Clayton, Classic Cars, Coyote Moon Wine and Friends 7/11/2021

So far most of our days here in Alexandria Bay are cool with showers. Had a line of strong thunderstorms roll through Thursday night with cool weather and a few light showers on Friday. At least the thunderstorms waited until after we helped Peter and Paulla move cars so they will have their car here once they arrive by boat. We are still eating pie that they brought as part of Peter’s family tradition of bringing pies on their first trip to the Thousand Island area for the summer. I really don’t think we will have any left by the time they get back next week.

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Fourth of July Weekend 2021

In anticipation of the 4th of July holiday, the park started filling up on Thursday afternoon and by Friday night there were only a few spots left. We watched a solid line of RV’s line up at the office starting about 1:00 on Friday and the line did not end for at least 3 hours. We even got to meet our neighbors for the first time. We did not have any special plans for the weekend, other than friends visiting on Monday, so we had a relaxing few days. Most of our projects had been completed so we did not have any work to do which allowed us to spend some time by the water to watch the boats drive by.

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Chores 07/01/2021

The weather has been cool and windy so we spent a lot of time catching up on projects that needed done in the Dirt Yacht. Living in the RV is not much different than home–there are still chores that need to get done!. We also had ShowHauler owners coming to look at our RV to help them make final decisions on their new rig, so I wanted to get her cleaned up a litte.

The first project I tackled was cleaning out my closets. The shirts in my closet were musty smelling so I took everything out, and washed them. I am not sure if they smelled musty because I have so many T-shirts stuffed in the hanging closet, or if it was because we had closed the RV up without air when we went to visit Ryan and left the Dirt Yacht in the driveway. I did quite a bit of laundry when we first got here, but did not realize we would be charged electric. I have not gotten our electric bill from Swan Bay RV Resort for the month of June yet, but I hope it’s not too high. (Update: Swan Bay charges .2697 per kw hour. That is ridiculious. I only pay .122 in the Keys) Before I put everything back, Randy built me some new shelves so my clothes could be better organized. I was even able to give Randy an extra part of one cupboard which made him happy. Now if I can just keep everything organized. Maybe a week or two!!

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Start of the 2021 Summer Season: 05/01/2021 – 06/22/2021

We left the Keys at the end of April so that I could visit my doctors at home. This is the second time I left the Keys to seek medical advice from my doctors in Baltimore. While I now have several doctors in Key West, I feel more comfortable seeing my doctors at home. There are not a lot of specialists in the Keys, so I would have probably had to go to Miami to see a kidney specialist. Fortunately only watching things at this time. I have a follow up in October to see if surgery is necessary.

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