Fourth of July Weekend 2021

In anticipation of the 4th of July holiday, the park started filling up on Thursday afternoon and by Friday night there were only a few spots left. We watched a solid line of RV’s line up at the office starting about 1:00 on Friday and the line did not end for at least 3 hours. We even got to meet our neighbors for the first time. We did not have any special plans for the weekend, other than friends visiting on Monday, so we had a relaxing few days. Most of our projects had been completed so we did not have any work to do which allowed us to spend some time by the water to watch the boats drive by.

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Start of the 2021 Summer Season: 05/01/2021 – 06/22/2021

We left the Keys at the end of April so that I could visit my doctors at home. This is the second time I left the Keys to seek medical advice from my doctors in Baltimore. While I now have several doctors in Key West, I feel more comfortable seeing my doctors at home. There are not a lot of specialists in the Keys, so I would have probably had to go to Miami to see a kidney specialist. Fortunately only watching things at this time. I have a follow up in October to see if surgery is necessary.

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