Weather in May, Fishing and Manatees 05/14/2020

A tropical system near the Bahamas has produced rain and gusty wind in the Florida Keys, portions of Southwest Florida and parts of the Bahamas. The weather forecast is for Thursday, Friday and possibly part of Saturday. The wind picked up late Wednesday night with heavy wind and rain for all of Thursday. The wind pushed the rain sideways causing a steady leak in the bedroom slide. Fortunately we caught it early, so no damage was done, but we will have to keep an eye out to make sure there is no damage to the gasket. Randy had checked the gaskets around the slide the previous day, so he does not think anything needs fixing. The leak is probably just from the sideways-driving rain. But still something to put on the maintenance list.

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Staying in the Keys means learning how to trap Stone Crabs 4/30/2020

Normally we head home at the beginning of May but we decided to stay. We still do not know when we will leave and head towards home. I guess the final decision will depend on COVID-19 and the weather. With no renters currently allowed into the Keys, the park has emptied out considerably. We are sorry to see our friends leave. Bruce and Joanne were forced to leave the last week in April. They were not allowed to extend their lease. I hated to see them leave, especially since I don’t think they are coming back next year. One thing we have really enjoyed and taken advantage of with no renters, is the shade and delightful breeze under Alan’s house next door. He told us before he left that we could take advantage of the shade under his house. The weather has heated up in April so in addition to relaxing under Alan’s house, we try to keep cool either at some of our favorite anchor spots, such as Tarpon Belly, or we have started going to the pool again. The pool felt really good when it hit 102 degrees. Most of the time there is hardly anyone in the pool so it is easy to maintain distance from others.

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April in the Keys, Fishing and COVID 4/15/2020

i think April is my favorite time in the Keys. Especially this year. The weather has warmed up and the winds have died down. Because of the COVID-19 virus, US-1 and most public boat ramps are closed. These closures have reduced the number of people in the Keys and boats out on the water. Since our boat is tied up behind the RV, we can still enjoy getting to some of our favorite spots. Being able to get out on the boat has kept the cabin fever at bay. Especially since we are no longer going to the pool (even though it is still open). I just do not feel comfortable using the pool.

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December in The Keys 12/31/2019

This year has been considerably cooler and wetter in the Keys than last year. However, it is still warmer and dryer than home so still loving it! We are watching the Ravens game and looking at all of the rain in Baltimore. This is the second home game that it has been pouring down rain during the game, while we are in sunshine! I will take the warmer weather! Even if I missed being with family over the holidays.

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Enjoying the great weather: Little Palm, Mangroves and Marvin Key 03/04/2019

It has been very warm and calm in the Keys for the last several days so we have taken advantage and used the boat quite a bit. They are calling for small craft warnings starting on Wednesday so Randy plans to pull the boat tomorrow to wash and clean the bottom. I hope we have a return of the great weather by the weekend since friends are visiting for a week.

Continue reading “Enjoying the great weather: Little Palm, Mangroves and Marvin Key 03/04/2019”

Nature in the Canal: Manatees snd Portuguese Man-O-War 02/23/2019

While making breakfast this morning Randy called me outside to see the Portuguese Man-O-War. It had captured a small fish. It’s natures way but still sad to see the fish struggle to get free. Randy looked but the fish was too far gone to survive. While outside we also noticed a large manatee in the canal. Such gentle giants. It seems like we only see them on very hot and calm days

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