Different Kind of Visitors to Our Canal 03/17/2019

We are enjoying most of the animal visitors to our canal and RV lot. So far I have not been able to get any pictures of the sharks that have visited the canal. We have seen several nurse sharks and at least one small bonnnethead. The manatee is still my favorite visitor!

Lion Fish in the canal at Venture Out. This visitor is not welcome!
What is this fish? We were not sure what this unusual fish was but believe it is a scrawled filefish. He stayed mostly in the shadows along the canal. The boat was out of the water or we may not have seen it! Larry and Karen told us they have seen this fish quite often on their reef dives.
A Great White Heron on the boat next door to us at Venture Out.
Manatee drinking the water while Randy flushed the motor. You really have to watch for them so they don’t get hurt. When Randy stopped flushing the motor, this manatee went to another boat that was doing the same thing looking for more water.
Close up of Manatee
Manatee looking up at Randy
Manatee visiting our canal on Monday, March 11
Manatee cruising the canals
Small crab hanging on the rope to the underwater light. The fish are getting bigger!
Green iguana in the bush at the back of the RV. He is not very afraid of us as he comes out and walks around—even when we are sitting in the chairs.
Brown anole. Randy first spotted him in our planter. Then he came out for some sun on the concrete.

I think this is a clinging crab

Close up of tiny crab Randy found