Exploring Cudjoe Bay 11/25/2018

  • We explored parts of Cudjoe Bay in our boat this morning.  We were fortunate to see two manatees right outside our canal.  We made sure to give them plenty of room but we stopped to watch them for a few minutes.  The one was at least 10′ but the second one was slightly smaller at about 8′.   We are only in a 17′ boat so they looked very big in comparison.  In the video link below you can see the manatee better than in the picture.
About a 10′ Manatee spotted outside our canal


We spotted a few birds in the mangroves along US-1.  Unfortunately there is still a lot of debris in the mangrove too.  A lot of this debris is probably still from Hurricane Irma but the smaller trash is probably more recent.   We also saw quite a few iguanas hanging in the mangroves and on the docks in the canals.

White Egret in the Mangroves
Iguana getting some sun

On the Summerland Key side of this body of water is a narrow channel that Randy decided to explore.  He always wants to see what is around the next bend.  I could not get any pictures but we saw what we think were tarpon feeding.  At the end of this narrow channel was the Boy Scout camp on Summerland Key.  I knew there was one close but did not know where it was located.

Do not get out of the channel

Boy Scout camp, Summerland Key

There are quite a few boats docked outside the homes on the canals.  One we had never seen before was a “Mitzi Skiff.”  I will send my ex-boss, Mitzi, a picture.

Mitzi Skiffs

Mitzi Skiffs close up of name

On today’s excursion we also noticed bubblers at the end of each canal.  I had to look up what they are used for.  According to what I found, they are an environmentally friendly way to help keep weeds and debris out of the canals.  We did not see them last year because the older system had been destroyed by Irma.  We had some weeds between our boat and the dock, but hopefully this system keeps most of the weeds out of the canals.

Bubble Curtain Technology at canal entrance

Bubblers in action:


Dirt Yacht view from boat