Looe Key Marine Sanctuary: Snorkeling and Grouper 04/11/2019

Thursday was another beautiful day with rare calm winds so we went back to Looe Key Marine Sanctuary. We don’t get very many mild days when the ocean is flat, so we take full advantage when we can. This time Heidi and Greg joined us for the trip out to the reef. We also invited our neighbors, Bill and Gail. They wanted to follow us out in their boat since they are not as familiar with the waters here.

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Enjoying the great weather: Little Palm, Mangroves and Marvin Key 03/04/2019

It has been very warm and calm in the Keys for the last several days so we have taken advantage and used the boat quite a bit. They are calling for small craft warnings starting on Wednesday so Randy plans to pull the boat tomorrow to wash and clean the bottom. I hope we have a return of the great weather by the weekend since friends are visiting for a week.

Continue reading “Enjoying the great weather: Little Palm, Mangroves and Marvin Key 03/04/2019”